Lifestyle images and shares : some personal and various considerations about …

In addition to photographing self-portraits, cities and other landscapes, I also like to photograph and to film interiors, objects, scenes of everyday life taking place both outdoors and indoors, and all the details that can catch my eye.

Also, in terms of lifestyle, and “art of living” (art de vivre), I want to believe in, and promote, whenever possible, and of course according to the constraints of each of us, the beliefs of each of us too, a more sustainable way of life, a slower way of life, and a more inspiring way of life of serenity or an invitation, at least, to refocus on elements and things, more essential, more minimalist, but fundamentally, fundamental to our well-being, to the best we can bring to ourselves, but also to the best we can bring to others, to society, to our societies, and of course to the one that welcomes and hosts us, our planet. Think individually in order to think and produce collectively, then or at the same time, along the way, along the journey.

In addition, my person, Pina, and her signature, the Signature of Pina, we are smiling beings and creations. We love to smile. To smile : one of the founding elements of my signature.

Also, it is recognized that images, including photography, have an emotional power. Images can arouse and produce both positive and negative emotions. With my "lifestyle" images, I hope to inspire emotions, perhaps banal, but as much as possible, positive, interesting, etc.


FILM | "American Girl" / "Luckiest Girl Alive " (2022)


May 2022 - My Review : What I’ve seen, What I’ve read, What I’ve been writing about, What I’ve listened to, etc.