Eric Flag is a young man, Franco-Swiss, in his thirties. Known by some, for being today, for a few years already, the creator of a Youtube channel with his name, but also of a company and an online store, with his name too. As well known for being considered as a "fitness influencer" shall we say. His passion: bodybuilding. In particular, the discipline called "street workout ".

For my part, not being an athletic woman, practicing even less bodybuilding and street workout, it may seem surprising that I follow someone like Eric Flag.

I am a woman (where probably mostly men follow him), and not athletic. Not practicing bodybuilding, not being either for my part passionate about bodybuilding or muscular men.

However, I have been following Eric Flag since his debut, and I have no regrets.

Without knowing him personally, I am very happy for him with all the path he has done, and grown through. All of that, within a few years, and with this wish he had, and of course, he is not the only one, especially in our current era and societies : the wish not to follow a traditional professional and life path, as he could have or could still, but to try to follow a path more in the image of what fascinated him and still fascinates him.

Eric Flag also hosts a podcast, called “ Expansion”, and in French.

In April 2022, I’ve listened to one of his new episodes.

In that podcast episode, untitled in French, literaly , “ To go work alone at the other side of the world” ( “Partir seul travailler depuis le bout du monde ”), Eric Flag reflects on his recent 3-week life experience, in Bali, Indonesia. Eric Flag also recalls about his introverted nature. And yet, to listen to him, as like with many introverts who nevertheless expose themselves somewhat, his voice is always warm and playful.

Eric Flag's podcast can be found every Thursday at 5 p.m (in French, but he understands and speaks English too)., where he discusses, alone or accompanied about personal development, creation, entrepreneurship, sport and nutrition!


April 2022 - My Review : What I’ve seen, What I’ve read, What I’ve written about, What I’ve listened to, etc.

